Here is Ubuntu package for WMcoin wallet for XWindow and daemon only.
Install it with:
sudo dpkg -i wmcoin_1.0.0.0-1_i386.deb
Run it with
COINTECH the source of altcoin/bitcoin technologies
Cryptocoin development and support
Here is Ubuntu package for WMcoin wallet for XWindow and daemon only.
Install it with:
sudo dpkg -i wmcoin_1.0.0.0-1_i386.deb
Run it with
Comments are closed.
Dependency problem causes the configuration work cannot continue…
wmcoin depends on libqtgui4
wmcoin depends on libdb5.1++.
wmcoin depends on libffi6.
wmcoin depends on libminiupnpc8.
wmcoin depends on libssl1.0.0
wmcoin depends on libboost-system1.48.0.
wmcoin depends on libboost-filesystem1.48.0.
wmcoin depends on libboost-program-options1.48.0.
wmcoin depends on libboost-thread1.48.0.
wmcoin depends on libqrencode3.
dpkg:deal with the packs of wmcoin(–install) met error
Dependency is not configured