Mincoin: stratum+tcp://mnc.cointech.net:9773 P2Pool, use your wallet address for username and any password.
Files required to make own P2Pool for own Fireflycoin pools
Extract the files in your installation of P2Pool software.[:bg]Here is the list of supported by COINTECH mining pools:
Mobiuscoin: http://mobiuscoin.cointech.net MPOS, requires registration. Mobiuscoin: stratum+tcp://pool.mobiuscoin.com:9321 P2Pool, use your wallet address for username and any password.
DogeBlackCoin: stratum+tcp://dogeblackcoin.cointech.net:1109 P2Pool, use your wallet address for username and any password.
Bitcoin: stratum+tcp://btc.cointech.net:9332 P2Pool, use your bitcoin wallet address for username and any password.
Mincoin: stratum+tcp://mnc.cointech.net:9773 P2Pool, use your wallet address for username and any password.
GoldCoin: stratum+tcp://pool.cointech.net:9314 P2Pool, use your wallet address for username and any password.
Files required to make own P2Pool for own Fireflycoin pools
Extract the files in your installation of P2Pool software.[:]
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Best Regards,
i need free android wallet for mining, i dont have PC or netbook :v,please give me free wallet android
i mean aurumcoin android wallet :v
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Please note that mining with Android Wallet’s address is slow. You will wait 120 confirmations against only few in mining pool with withdraw to your wallet at once.